Player Abilities

Sonic and his friends each have abilities unique to themselves. Below is a summary of each character's special moves.


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Air Spin Attack

While jumping, press the jump button again to hurl Sonic forward in a burst of speed.


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While jumping, press the jump button repeatedly to fly for a short time. If you are playing with a friend, fly over them to pick them up for a ride!


While underwater, press the jump button repeatedly to swim for a short time. Just like flying, you can pick up others to give them a lift.


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While jumping, press and hold the jump button again to glide. Use the directional keys to steer.


If you collide with a wall while gliding, Knuckles will latch onto it. Use the directional keys to move along the wall. Press the jump button to release and turn around, or press the spin button to release while still facing the wall.